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TBG News and Insights

Our Work has been Published in Leading Industry Journals 

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TBG Market Outlook 2023 Thumbnail

TBG Market Outlook 2023

The Bycoff Group recaps 2022 and discusses why they see strong opportunities for investments in growth companies in 2023.

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TBG Market Color: What Would Warren Buffett Do? Thumbnail

TBG Market Color: What Would Warren Buffett Do?

We wanted to explore what investors did during the last period of extended inflation in the US, the 1970s. Did they alter their strategy or materially change holdings? We take a look at Warren Buffett's annual letters from the 1970s to answer these questions and more!

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TBG Market Color August 2022 Thumbnail

TBG Market Color August 2022

TBG reviews first half results, discusses why the market rallied in July, where we invested in the first half this year and what we think works in the second half of the year.

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TBG Monthly Market Color Thumbnail

TBG Monthly Market Color

The Bycoff Group's monthly market commentary. In this edition, we take a look at recent company earnings results and what the stock reaction suggests about current market valuations.

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