Our Expertise is Equities. The Benefit is Yours.
We believe client portfolios are often meaningfully under optimized in the asset classes that drive the most meaningful long term returns and create the most wealth, namely ownership of stocks of growing companies across both large and small capitalizations.
We focus on providing our clients four key objectives through our investment management services:
- Meaningful long term returns in listed, public stocks.
- Unique and powerful investment ideas in game changing industries.
- Transparent, SEC-registered and easy to implement managed investment accounts.
- Unmatched alignment with the founders of The Bycoff Group.
All of this is underpinned by our experience investing for some of New York City's largest hedge funds where the co-founders were responsible for investing in and managing risk across technology, media and telecom companies.
As you can see below, public equities build substantially more wealth than other major asset classes:
Source: Returns based on 15-25 year long -term mean average returns for asset classes per eMoney through 2023.
However, most individuals have portfolios that are not optimized:
Source: Average asset allocation per Bank of America Merrill Lynch average private client allocation, reported weekly as of April 2024.
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Should you consider our services?
Our client list is a diverse list of family offices and high net worth families. Some attributes include:
- Innovative and transparent investment solutions for high-net worth families, founders, entrepreneurs, business owners, athletes and entertainers.
- Executives looking to build robust wealth and seeking sophisticated investment solutions that are not available through traditional large brokerage firms.
- Wealthy retirees seeking to growth their portfolio to pass on wealth to the next generation.
- Individuals motivated to find a solution that makes their money work for them in a more optimized approach.